I'm the co-founder and CEO of a small software company called Less Annoying CRM (or "LACRM" for short). I run this website (Less Annoying Business) on the side.
My personal mission is to help small businesses succeed. That's what we do at LACRM, and it's why I started this site.
Specifically, since my background is in technology and most small businesses are a bit lacking in that area, I want to help small businesses bridge the technological divide. Technology has started to disrupt just about every industry, and unfortunately, the gains are almost entirely going to the big players. I don't want to live in a world where the only companies that exist are multi-billion dollar behemoths because those are the only companies that can compete technologically.
Less Annoying CRM bridges the technological divide by making a CRM — A hugely important tool, but one that is normally extremely complex and expensive — accessible to even the smallest businesses. With this website, I want to bridge the technological divide by giving small businesses the advice and tricks they need to thrive in this new tech-driven world.
The things I write about on this site normally fall into one of two categories:
So that's why I'm here, what about you? I'd love to hear from you, learn what brought you to this site, and hear any topics you'd like to see me write about. My favorite place to connect is Twitter (I'm @TylerMKing), or you can email me at tyler@lessannoyingcrm.com. Don't be shy!